Python Driver For Sql Server
Support for the Microsoft SQL Server database. DBAPI Support The following dialect/DBAPI options are available. Please refer to individual DBAPI sections for.
- Mar 11, 2015 This post will show you how to use Python to connect to a SQL Server database, save and retrieve data. I HockeyGeekGirl recently recorded some.
- Is there a module available for connection of MSSQL and python 2.7. I downloaded pymssql but it is for python 2.6. Is there any equivalent module for python 2.7. I am.
- So the question is, How do we grab stuff from the timeline in the first place. My answer, as it always is - Python, the world s best Swiss army knife for data.
Connecting to Microsoft SQL Server from UNIX Linux/Mac OSX in Python Assuming you have a username and password with some kind of access to a MSSQL server.
SQL Server ODBC driver for Microsoft SQL Server 7.0, SQL Server 2000, SQL Server 2005, SQL Server 2008, SQL Server 2012, SQL Server 2014 and SQL Server.
You can also use pyodbc to connect to MSSQL from Python. The most recent version is available for Python 2.6 and 2.7 here. From the getting started guide:
import pyodbc
cnxn pyodbc.connect DRIVER SQL Server ;SERVER localhost;DATABASE testdb;UID me;PWD pass
cursor cnxn.cursor
cursor.execute select user_id, user_name from users
rows cursor.fetchall
for row in rows:
print row.user_id, row.user_name
The SQLAlchemy library mentioned in another answer, uses pyodbc to connect to MSSQL databases it tries various libraries, but pyodbc is the preferred one. Example code using sqlalchemy:
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
engine create_engine mssql://me:pass localhost/testdb
for row in engine.execute select user_id, user_name from users :
print row.user_id, row.user_name.